In a rage, a teacher murders a girl. Her brother is bred, for one sole purpose: to avenge his sister’s death. Kazakh master Ermek Shinarbaev’s close collaboration with the Korean-Russian writer Anatoli Kim yielded three great films, the most remarkable of which is this beautiful, profoundly unsettling film. A true odyssey, geographically and psychologically. One of the greatest films to emerge from the Kazakh New Wave, and one of the toughest.
6。哈萨克拍的棒子剧?太雷了 —— Mannialanck
神叨叨但很有意思的一部电影。说俄语的高丽人不是雷点。第一,拍片的时候还是苏联时期,因为封闭和意识形态原因对朝鲜半岛知之甚少,所以拍摄的场所和服饰没法准备得周全。第二,原著作者是俄语朝裔小说家Anatoly Kim,有自己的身世经历文化背景作支撑,不算是哈萨克人的魔改。20世纪初俄罗斯远东就有很多朝鲜人在当地的工厂工作。斯大林时期这批朝鲜人被装煤的火车运到了严冬的哈萨克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦等死,被当地... —— 毛扁扁
Criterion Channel —— 按时对话法
爱之至与恨之极的诗意表达,命和运有多少可以自定? —— Yuhong
命运凌驾于生灵而存在,海鱼注定被捕捞,幼兽注定被虐杀,你因复仇而生,为复仇而死。那是谁在命运之书写下悲剧的笺注?不是天神,不是太阳,是远处的贵族,无心地在湖面投下一块石头。 —— 哪吒男