Life at the border is very tough. The land is stony and dry, farmers plough fields of sand and illegal trafficking seems to be the only way to make a living. In Deliviran, a village near Urfa close to the Syrian border, Hidir’s chief is involved in smuggling and gets shot. Hidir tries to stay out of illegal activities but circumstances contrive to push him in the opposite direction until he accepts to take a herd of sheep across the border. Amidst poverty and the landmines Hidir struggles to keep his dream and his young son alive.
世界电影基金会修复的这部土耳其新浪潮早期作品也是金棕榈导演尤马兹•古尼的表演处女作,并改编自其同名小说。影片借动作片元素反映土耳其东南部人民因教育缺乏和严重失业而被迫犯罪的社会现状,尤其是普通阶层突破已往的社会经济结构的重重困难。游牧文明与案头文明的对比强化了社会分级的象征意义 —— 小易甫
踩点配乐不错,五角星站位枪战分镜也不错 —— 邮差总按两次铃
CC,第一部土耳其电影。聚焦土耳其东南部、土叙边境的村庄走私活动,长度虽短小但剧情紧凑饱满。铤而走险背后是阶级固化阶级矛盾、上层地主阶级压榨着底层贫民别无出路;希迪尔人物形象塑造愈英雄化,愈反衬出阶级间失衡固化。又是一滩泥沼,难以挣脱的死循环,加入孩子受教育情节,倒是给了一丝希望。修复版噪点、划痕、掉帧,质量不怎么样,镜头切换和转场有些突兀,不知道是原底片缺失还是本就如此。 —— Akai
感谢阿金- - —— mibo lost
剧情跳转略突兀,可能是拷贝的锅 —— zen