日记 El Diario

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  Where Olga discovers the unfinished diary of a known killer and becomes fascinated by its dark secrets. As she delves into its contents, she uncovers a mysterious connection between them, putting her life and others in grave danger.
  Carlos and Olga are the parents of Vera, they are now divorced and Olga is experiencing some paranormal activity on her new home, the only thing that can give her an answer of what's happening it's an old wooden chest that's at her attic that no one knows where it came.


  • 这样的果到底是什么样的因种下的,故事性不错,大家打分都好低 —— WIKI魏

  • 母亲从阁楼上发现一本日记本,是三十年后女儿的日记,而女儿居然是个连环杀人犯。 —— 五月

  • 非常好看,非常专业的西班牙式悬疑电影,实在是太好看了,太有创意了,喜欢这样的电影,这个编剧导演太有才华了! —— liudae

  • 讨厌神经质式的恐怖片 —— 宝小仙

  • 车祸后,女儿问妈妈:你想杀了我?哈哈哈哈。跟日记里最初的内容,完美地形成了闭环。 —— 李湘