A treasure trove of live and archive footage drives this portrait of the British band as they prepare to tour their new album.
Filmed over a decade, but also drawing in a wealth of footage from throughout their career, Toby L’s documentary portrait explores Blur’s trajectory, from a group of friends jamming to becoming one of the most acclaimed British bands of the last 35 years. It captures them as they come together to record what will be the critical and commercial success The Ballad of Darren, leading to their first – and sell-out – shows at Wembley stadium in the summer of 2023. The film shows how the group have continued to forge new creative paths, never resting on the laurels of former glories. With their recent performance at Coachella yet another defining moment of their recent revival, this is the perfect time to look back on their career.
@Mockingbird伯明翰 是个好影院!海浪边的意象很美 临近一段时光的fading。喜欢看他们倒腾,喜欢Graham的状态,也爱听Alex说那么多话!可还是觉得 是真的爱他们才肯看完这105分钟的老头乐!流水账式剪辑!导演偷懒!没有重点!想念《无路可逃》… (就连海报也只有邦和酪!导演你们就连四人一起的照片素材都没有吗!!!)赠送的三首现场把人拉回真正属于Blur的时刻。等墙内字幕出了再品一... —— ForceQuit
世界的尽头是虚无,摇滚的尽头是养鸡 —— обломов
膝盖一定要坏啊 摇滚明星们 —— 撒野
如果说无路可逃还充满不惑之年的残存激情,那这部就是迈向老年的平和从容,和新专完全一个调调。片子本身拍得有点boring,但很震惊于Damon从各种镜头里体现出的高精力值和行动力,有这么多力气和点子,做什么都会成功的... —— Lavie-Voyage
温布利两天都在第一排摄像头怼脸拍了那么久结果根本没用有我的素材我讨厌你们我讨厌你们!!!!!!!!!!!算了。等温布利专场录像九月上影院了我再找一遍 ps滚完字幕之后还送好几首歌没看的记得晚点走! —— 冷薯条