寂静的树 Drzewa milczą

寂静的树 Drzewa milczą磁力下载

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  Runa, a 16-year-old Kurdish girl, escaped from Iraq to avoid the attacks of ISIS. Together with her family, she had been stuck on the Polish-Belorussian border before she eventually arrived in Poland. She had to grow up at an accelerated speed – after her mother’s death she became the head of her family. Now, she needs to take care of her four younger brothers and father, who cannot cope with the mounting difficulties. The film follows their uncertain fate, but gives a prominence to the portrayal of the teenager, an ordinary and extraordinary girl at the same time. Thanks to her animated drawings, the audience can discover more about her. The film is presented in the national and international competitions.


  • 聚焦一家库尔德难民 尤其是家里的大女儿 一家穿越白俄和波兰边境的森林 逃到波兰 动画不错 尤其是最后trial那段 树枝仿佛要把她带回深渊-家乡库尔德 —— Gooner🌈

  • 从此以后,你既做爹,又做妈,也别回去了,记住,别犯错。 —— 叮

  • 竖屏为王,竖屏一出就很真。(就这一句是正经评的,因为这个纪录片就竖屏那几分钟带感)顺便求生计划出炉:荒野求生都是开玩笑,森林里有狼外婆,七个小矮人其实是七个变态,除了地震就在家呆着,没有吃的先把狗吃了,然后去楼下吃点土和石头,坚持个把月见了阎王拍个竖屏纪录片传给大家 —— 王琰