睁开双眼想见你 Imaginur

睁开双眼想见你 Imaginur磁力下载

  • WEB-1080P
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  A man’s quotidian world is suddenly disrupted by strange events when he takes his aging father to the hospital for a check-up. A charitable woman hands him a calling card to the future; a hostile ex unleashes a public humiliation; a new love interest suddenly whisks him off his feet. Odd coincidences segue through dream logic, patching together scenes from his past while hinting at his fate. Enigmatic signs lead him to an eccentric hypnotherapist to address his fleeting grip on reality, but it may be too late. This incredibly imaginative film explores ideas of memory, identity and time as powerful yet dangerously fragile constructs, often beyond our simple ken. Ingeniously playing with time and space, Imaginur poses bold questions about existence with stunning cinematic bravado.


  • ending is so touching 🥲 —— 幾小爬

  • 一环扣一环。 —— 0405|Love&Life

  • 不曾想马来西亚马来电影能有这样的风格,大爱! OST不停循环。 —— will of fire

  • 不错的马来西亚软伪科幻电影,看得出导演深受好莱坞同类型电影影响,我应该是全场唯一华人。女主演员Diana Danielle有种神秘之美(看了一眼短评区:居然有这么多马来西亚豆瓣er和我一样在今天看了这片子!! —— 七姐Clau☁dia

  • GSC//记忆解救计划。层层循环+相似的环境场景和开场总会出戏其他电影,但30min之后一切步入正轨,开始“浸入”。这部片算是马来西亚的本土电影了,制作水平颇高,且在画面声音部分也是下足了功夫,在影院内观影真的是良好的体验。剧情推动到最后虽然大致能明白,但剧情漏洞还是比较明显,例如人物关系交代等等都是疑云重重,但也可能是马来语+英文字母的双重BUFF导致无法顺利理解吧。顺便完成成就:全英文字幕啃下... —— 爆弹阿灰