Seven Black friends reunite at a cabin in the woods to celebrate Juneteenth. They ignite in friendly banter as they arrive, referencing old jokes like they just saw each other yesterday. But as night falls, things begin to go awry in the picturesque cabin. Lights go out and a masked archer stalks them from outside. Once they’re trapped in a room, the group must play the ultimate game: figure out who among them is the Blackest — or else they all die. So, who exactly is the Blackest of them all? And who will make it through the night?
还挺好笑的,但玩得不够飞。 —— LeungChanXXX
低分没品,打着低分幌子搞歧视的也别装,这里是简中,你大方明牌搞歧视也不会有啥后果的🤡 —— pissoff
好可爱好喜欢!black people的勇敢者的游戏,梗够多,角色都可爱,细节也做得很好。本片证明了黑壬大逃杀片也能做得和白壬大逃杀片一样既刻板又反刻板捏www —— nanaas
我真的会笑死 —— SundanceKid🌈
完全get不到笑点,而且画面黢黑。 —— 海边的曼彻斯特