"I don't just want equal pay, I want equal pleasure. But it would be very threatening if all women wanted and felt like they deserved that, because then a bunch of women would be unavailable to helpin... —— 自昕至夕
The bar for 女权 has been low these days… —— 诺亚方洲
隐隐有种她会和老公离婚的感觉。 —— 貓小三的意思其實是如果先生
The pussy can fake an orgasm but the dicks don’t lie./最好笑的是讲到man wont forget to take a shit的时候,镜头扫到一个女观众用“不愿再懂”的眼神看着她男伴... —— 五加皮
"I don't just want equal pay, I want equal pleasure. But it would be very threatening if all women wanted and felt like they deserved that, because then a bunch of women would be unavailable to helpin... —— 自昕至夕
The bar for 女权 has been low these days… —— 诺亚方洲
隐隐有种她会和老公离婚的感觉。 —— 貓小三的意思其實是如果先生
The pussy can fake an orgasm but the dicks don’t lie./最好笑的是讲到man wont forget to take a shit的时候,镜头扫到一个女观众用“不愿再懂”的眼神看着她男伴... —— 五加皮
阿丽在成为成功女性后,看到了世界对成功女性同样的不公平😂在我成长的过程中阿丽教了我很多,今天的她仍然妙语连珠,字字珠玑。世界需要大胆讲屎尿屁段子的女人!!! —— 猪脚脚