After surgery glamorous actress, Veronica Ghent, travels with her nurse, Desi, to the remote highlands in order to attend a healing retreat. The other guests are eccentric and there is something different about the land; the nature seems to have a purpose of its own. Immersing herself in the dramatic surroundings, Veronica is given a new lease of life and finds purpose through the magical elements in the land. Desi must overcome her own battles to help Veronica make peace with herself. Veronica and Desi, the motherless child and the childless mother, find in each other a sense of family, and the future of a new dawn opens up to them.
3.5 结合Witch Hunting算是个很精巧的构思,中世纪被烧死被污蔑噤声的女人与少女时期受虐待的女明星在幽暗森林绞成一股猎杀男性罪行的巫力,主题充满女性幸存者复仇的意味,有些单一,但魔幻交错的呈现方式十分地响亮有力。 —— Dear deer
卡司很有腔调,过去猎杀女巫的土壤,黑暗粘稠却是渗透了血肉,现代女性失落、复仇把权力拿回自己手里。想说的悉数接收到,但还是不好看,作为恐怖片一板一眼,女性意识表达给得太少太悬浮 —— SundanceKid🌈
个人不大喜欢把女性主义相关的严肃议题拍成恐怖片,尤其是借鬼怪之手诛杀恶棍,总有一种现实中无力解决或者被刻意悬置、架空的荒芜,并不益于对这一议题的深入探讨,被娱乐化并轻浮以待,我认为女性议题应该在法律、政治的框架内解决,要讲逻辑,不然又会被男权盘算,“烧死那个疯女人”。无论是数百年前烧女巫或是现代社会用艺术当诱饵来捕获少女的所谓艺术家,权力总是掌握在男人手中,而女性被绝对地工具化,用来生育、当免费劳... —— 竹取
沉闷枯燥,不知所云 —— 人生除死无大事
严格来说本作只能算是融合惊悚元素和神秘元素的女性电影。。。。女主早年成名,期间遭其合作导演糟蹋,因此留下严重创伤。。。数十年后两人已白发苍苍,制作人计划撮合两人再度合作,再吃一波福利。。。。 此时的女主刚做完 切除术, 与其贴身护士到了苏格兰某避世森林疗养。两人从彼此不熟 略有嫌隙 慢慢熟悉 最后相互扶持。。。成为生死相约好友 本片的神奇之处在于女主病入膏肓 日常神智经常不清 分不出现实和幻觉... —— 爱玩的过路人