"The water crisis is not an act of nature. It is an act of humankind. By not planning, by not using the right technologies, and by not acting soon enough, we set ourselves up to fail." —— 猫小丢
原来水的危机这么大,那位用空气中的水造饮水机的太有创意了厉害 —— 运用你的幻想
Everybody should take responsibility to fight with the water crisis, on one hand we should produce more and more clean water especially for the developing countries, on the other hand we should save w... —— 瓦瓦
这些水仙,万众瞩目 —— 適時詩士
从空气中搜集水分、用自己的粪便做成煤炭、模拟人体蛋白膜的原理过滤水……这些设想都太棒了,而且有人已经在做了。连姆尼森的嗓音真的太有标志性了。自然界不会浪费任何一滴水,每一滴水都要循环利用。 —— 云在云霄
"The water crisis is not an act of nature. It is an act of humankind. By not planning, by not using the right technologies, and by not acting soon enough, we set ourselves up to fail." —— 猫小丢
原来水的危机这么大,那位用空气中的水造饮水机的太有创意了厉害 —— 运用你的幻想
Everybody should take responsibility to fight with the water crisis, on one hand we should produce more and more clean water especially for the developing countries, on the other hand we should save w... —— 瓦瓦