西部警长 The Tall T

西部警长 The Tall T磁力下载

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  Having lost his horse in a bet, Pat Brennan hitches a ride with a stagecoach carrying newlyweds, Willard and Doretta Mims. At the next station the coach and its passengers fall into the hands of a trio of outlaws headed by a man named Usher. When Usher learns that Doretta is the daughter of a rich copper-mine owner, he decides to hold her for ransom. Tension build over the next 24 hours as Usher awaits a response to his demands and as a romantic attachment grows between Brennan and Doretta. Written by dinky-4 of Minneapolis


  • 在当时都属于老套了,没有什么新鲜或有趣的东西看,拍摄也一般。 —— 奥利

  • 巴德·伯蒂彻在刻画人物形象上很有一套。 —— 桃桃林林

  • 为什么不讲一个一直封闭的故事 —— tomshiwo

  • 3.5/5;CC 4K 不过这和警长没任何关系 —— 按时对话法

  • 在伯蒂彻&兰道夫斯科特“为妻复仇”西部系列中反而相对偏爱这部,虽没七寇马车秘密的震撼伏笔和李马文的强势存在,不及单格屠龙歪脖树的诗意图景,但它在“情事”上确有变奏和丰富,导演没再让富家女有违颜值的倾国倾城(七寇),也没让担不起魅力型男的年迈警长一味痴情忠贞,影片终幕,孤男寡女道出了苦衷也释放了感情,像普通人那样走到一起…… —— 赱馬觀♣