On the eve of June 28th, 2011 Swedish journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson put everything at stake by illegally crossing the border from Somalia into Ethiopia. After months of research, planning and failed attempts, they were finally on their way to report on how the ruthless hunt for oil effected the population of the isolated and conflict-ridden Ogaden region. Five days later they lay wounded in the desert sand, shot and captured by the Ethiopian army. But when their initial reportage died, another story began. A story about lawlessness, propaganda and global politics. After a Kafkaesque trial they were sentenced to eleven years in prison for terrorism. And they were far from alone. Their cellmates were journalists, writers and politicians persecuted for not bowing down to dictatorship. Their reportage about oil was transformed into a story about ink, and their daily lives turned into a fight for survival inside the notorious Kality prison in Addis Ababa. Exposed to deadly ...
根据真实事件改编,此前曾看过另外一部改编的影片,不如此片全面以及场面宏大。前片主要放到了监狱及庭审上,此片则更多交代了前情。这两名记者因报道新闻进入非洲军政府的监狱,也是因瑞典新闻的环境,让他们得到了自由。 —— 优游卒岁
独立记者。 —— 寒狐居士
哈 来瑞典进电影院看的第一部电影。全场5个人。传记片...这个电影主要是想告诉我们:记者真是个高危职业。俩人进了埃塞俄比亚还啥也没干就直接被定义成了terrorist,无论怎么庭审都是guilty。 Gustaf啥都好 演技也好身材也好颜也好...就是头太秃了 然后为了贴近这个Martin的原型 还可以把头发留了出来。后半段大部分时间他都戴着头巾 真是个帅哥。他真的好适合演这种从小绵羊变得疯狂 然... —— Combeferre
m2153:果断还是宣传更具力量。两位记者的真实在被践踏,同时zz相互博弈。 —— Timing
两个瑞典独立记者在没有签证的情况下,深入埃塞俄比亚内战地区,去探寻石油公司介入该国内战的真相,却被当做是介入该国内战的敌对势力被捕,在监狱里待了一年多,终于在瑞典的“沉默外交”中争取到了特赦的机会返回故土。拍得能看,但要说有多少让人眼睛一亮的东西也谈不上。基本还是鼓吹西方新闻自由的那一套。 —— 影视圈前沿观察