七号病人 Patient Seven

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  The film centers on Dr. Marcus, a renowned psychiatrist who has selected 6 severe mentally ill and dangerous patients from the Spring Valley Mental Hospital to interview as part of research for his new book. As Dr. Marcus interviews each patient, one by one the horrors they have committed begin to unfold. However, Dr. Marcus soon learns that there is one patient who ties them all together - Patient Seven.


  • 万圣节埋尸比较带感 —— обломов

  • Dr. Marcus soon learns that there is one patient who ties them all together —— feelzero

  • 故事挺有味道,但是却没有恐怖效果,这是一些独特的故事而已,很有些黑色文学感。 —— liudae

  • 精神病人装医生,老套路啦~~~ —— 鬼眼黄泉

  • 烧脑与反转程度都不足,安耽讲故事还成,万圣节那段略经典,催眠用还好:例如我就活活睡过去两回/又拖回进度条重刷的。。。 —— 镜水修二