The Vigilante Diaries is a high octane action-adventure film featuring 90's movie heroes, explosive action, and international espionage. The film revolves around a team of black-ops agents turned crime-fighters, led by a brooding anti-hero, known only as "The Vigilante." These jam-packed missions of rescue and revenge take us from the mega-mansions and underbelly of Los Angeles to far away places like Iraq, Armenia, Russia, and The United Kingdom to introduce us to a cast of colorful, dangerous, and hilarious characters. From Beverly Hills filmmaker Mike Hanover, to a trio of Asian femme fatales, to ruthless Armenian mobsters, and at the top, a pair of deep cover super spies hell bent on throwing the world into chaos.
开始就知道它烂到令人发指,但你就是想先看完它是怎么装的然后开心过瘾的跑这儿打个两星 —— 左影²
妹子真不错,Jacqueline Lord Jessica Uberuaga Levy Tran 其他垃圾 —— 琧婯
开始就知道它烂到令人发指,但你就是想先看完它是怎么装的然后开心过瘾的跑这儿打个两星 —— 左影²
妹子真不错,Jacqueline Lord Jessica Uberuaga Levy Tran 其他垃圾 —— 琧婯
小红好看 大纹身不耐看 结尾看不懂 演员只认出马德森和丹特乔 —— 话事人
过目就忘 —— 自燃,风月同天
1分钟看完。 —— 随风飘走的灵魂