I shouldn't have watched it alone even in broad day light. The story was not bad but the movie's got some disgusting scenes. It was a bit too long, but oh well, it was still worthy seeing Lindsay Loha... —— ly莉
风格上是美式slasher加意式giallo,题材是永不过时的孪生,很不错的尝试。细节再做好点,氛围再厚重点就是杰作啦。 —— K
Lindsay Lohan那苦大仇深的雀斑麻子脸 —— 狷介有乌青
我不知道是谁杀了我 甚至一直也没搞明白Aubrey和Dakota到底是twins还是同一个人的两面人格 哪种看法都觉得不是很牢固的能站得住脚 —— 披着人皮的鬼
giallo+slasher,本来是很有新意的题材,可惜了... —— 大宸
I shouldn't have watched it alone even in broad day light. The story was not bad but the movie's got some disgusting scenes. It was a bit too long, but oh well, it was still worthy seeing Lindsay Loha... —— ly莉
风格上是美式slasher加意式giallo,题材是永不过时的孪生,很不错的尝试。细节再做好点,氛围再厚重点就是杰作啦。 —— K