人员 Personel

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  Personnel / Personel
  1975, released Jan. 13, 1976, Poland, TV film
  16 mm, color, 70 min
  Director: Krzysztof Kieslowski
  Screenplay: Krzysztof Kieslowski
  Cinematography: Witold Stok
  Music: „Aida”, Giuseppe Verdi, performed by Orchestra of the Grand Theatre and Opera in Warsaw
  Art Director: Tadeusz Kosarewicz
  Music arranged by: Michal Zarnecki
  Production Company: Tor Film Studio, Warsaw, Poland
  Cast: Juliusz Machulski (future film director, as Romek), Irena Lorentowicz, Wlodzimierz Borunski, Michal Tarkowski (Sowa), Andrzej Siedlecki (Andrzej), Tomasz Lengren, Tomasz Zygadlo, Janusz Skalski, and others.
  Kieslowski’s first feature-length film is ostensibly about the theater’s anonymous backstage workers: the tailors, painters, modelers. They are creative individuals devoted to their work and vital to a theater’s success. But given the traditional cult of the actor, these craftsmen are underestimated by actors and audience alike. The film’s protagonist, Romek, is a student at a theater technical college. A sensitive young man fascinated by the magic of theatrical art, he finds his first job in the tailoring workshop of the opera. Quickly confronted with the reality behind the scenes - the bickering, petty jealousies, vindictiveness and corruption - his illusions are shattered. His elder colleague, the tailor Sowa, finds himself targeted by an hysterical actor, and socio-political organizations in the theater want to use Romek against Sowa. Kieslowski’s made-for-television microcosm of the society at large, and an early exploration of moral choice in the workplace.
  1975 Mannheim (International Film Week) – Grand Prix
  1975 Mannheim (International Film Week) – International Catholic Film Award
  1975 Andrzej Munk Award (of the National Film, Television and Theatre School in Lodz)
  1976 Gdansk (in Gdynia since 1986) (Polish Feature Films Festival) – Best TV Film
  1976 Gdansk (in Gdynia since 1986) (Polish Feature Films Festival) – Journalists Award for Best TV film
  1976 „Golden Camera” (from "Film" magazine) - Best Feature Director’s debut of 1975
  1976 Koszalin (Koszalin Film Meetings "The Young & Film") - Grand Prix "Great Jantar"
  1979 Lagow (LLF) – Grand Prix „ Golden Grape Cluster”
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  • 生命的隐喻,16mm彩胶,电视电影,自传体:“敏感率真迷恋艺术”男孩罗梅克关于艺术与技术结合的梦想变成艺术与政治后,幻想破灭的故事。 —— 张晨峥

  • 介于纪录片剧情片之间的剧情片/电视剧,道德焦虑电影。这一次基老师关注的是歌剧院的舞美部门,讨论到三六九等的等级分化,以及员工的抗议,大约波兰电影工业也是如此。爆炸香烟那个小噱头很有趣,不过此片纪录片成分过重,节奏欠佳。 —— 胤祥

  • 算是基氏的首部剧情长片,纪录片风格仍然明显。如果想只补他的剧情片,而好奇早期纪录片时代他的主题和手法,其实看这一部也够了。但当摄影机离开人群,离开琐碎现实,有一个沉思的空间,拍后台狭长通道里那个有些带着惊奇而有些茫然的男主时,未来的基氏已于此地登场:就像他本人从这里穿过,从现实主义、纪录风格,走向后来的形而上关怀与致幻影像。基氏曾自剖该片主题:本片讲的是我们在波兰无法找到一篇真正属于自己的地方,我... —— 奥兰少

  • 基情不可违 —— Over5

  • 艺术与技术,艺术与政治。 —— vivi