Ivan Passer's (Cutter's Way and Creator) last film to be made in his native Czechoslovakia is about friends – musician Petr and music teacher Karel – reunited when Petr returns to town for a performance. Passer frequently collaborated with Milos Forman and the episodic, low-action aesthetic that was evident in Forman's early work can be seen here. Years of separation have bred apprehension between the two men, and Karel's simmering jealousy makes their meeting all the more awkward. Eventually, the barriers crumble enough for the pair to freely discuss their lives. The film's simple beauty is in the details of the men's reacquainting themselves with each other, discovering each other's regrets and unfulfilled desires. Alive with pathos, humour and insight.
Special Award, National Society of Film Critics Awards
Its simple city mouse-country mouse story involves the meeting of two former schoolmates as they prepare for a small-town concert. Enlivened by Passer's flair for grotesquerie, this unassuming masterpiece maintains a delicate balance between hilarity and despair.
那一次异想天开的凌晨出走,把梦想变成平凡日子中的亲密闪光,如影随形,却无法走近。生活已付诸各人的一切,山中方一日,世上已千年。任谁都心甘情愿,与它就这么耳鬓厮磨、长相厮守。 —— UrthónaD'Mors
可能并没有故事。老友重逢,砖头和葬礼,弦乐四重奏和酒。因为你还没拥有,所以从未失去。 —— 木卫二
我们站在那里,直到世界末日。 —— 欢乐分裂
且寄浮生一世闲,与君慢饮蛋奶酒 —— 丁一
21/10/2006 5:30pm UA Langham Place —— 何倩彤