乐圣柴可夫斯基 The Music Lovers

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  Peter Tchaikovsky created some of the most romantic and beloved music ever. Surely he must have a man sensitivities for above human passions and pitfalls. Not so, says Ken Russell (Women in Love, Crimes of Passion), director of the lavish Tchaikovsky bio-pic The Music Lovers. Declaring that he was “fed up with the reverential treatment of musical heroes,” Russell sold his film to backers by describing it as a “love story between a homosexual and a nymphomaniac.”
  It’s a love story unlike any other, filled with one bravura visual flourish after another. Matched with the breathtaking sighs are the incomparable Tchaikovsky music selections (“Piano Concerto in B-Flat Minor,” “Swan Lake,” the “1812 Overture” and more), played by the London Symphony Orchestra.
  Richard Chamberlain and Glenda Jackson star as the ill-matched lovers, but the real star is behind the camera. “With The Music Lovers, Russell emerges as one of the great directors of our era.” (Richard Schickel, Life.)


  • 怪异的,激情的,充满意象的,狂乱的。很多MTV式的画面在老柴音乐的配合中相当有感染力。准确的说,介于3星与4星之间。张伯伦的手指很长,亲身上阵的钢琴演奏有相当的说服力,表演也是一向的激情特色。整个观影过程让人感觉像是做了一场声色俱全并且很有些BT的狂乱大梦。 —— 彌

  • 帮我朋友翻译的片子,只能说70年代表演真的是夸张 —— —片叶—

  • 不知道为啥油管给我推了Richard Chamberlain,于是搜了一下他的列表,看到这么个 Ken Russell 的片。。然后,女演员们太厉害了,一个个都是疯子,对比之下他就是个时不时装疯的无聊渣男。。话说是全体演员除了他都是英国人吗,为啥在这么个俄国故事里他还跟大家一起讲了英式英语哈哈哈哈~不过还挺好听的,甚至某个时刻不小心想到REG(捂脸)。。我的收获是看到助手,心想为什么这个美少年长得... —— 橙子换马甲

  • 老柴和肯罗素都是个疯子 —— XU

  • Tchaikovsky的音樂是什麽?只不過是生為同性戀者的掙扎和罪惡感,是被迫娶一個花痴老婆享受到的折磨........這種對Ken Russell的轉述毫無褒義,因爲他小子才是萬劫不復的壞人呐! —— Connie