午夜梦回 Middle of the Night

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  A 24-year-old divorcee, Betty Preisser, a receptionist for a clothing manufacturer, takes some office work home which her boss, widower Jerry Kingsley, a man of 56, drops by to pick up. Professional rather than personal acquaintances, Betty tells Jerry of her loveless marriage to George, a musician. Jerry has a married daughter, Lillian, about her age, and a spinster sister, Evelyn, who is very protective of him.
  Jerry works up the nerve to invite Betty to dinner. He meets Betty's mother, Mrs. Mueller, and sister Alice, who share the apartment with Betty. Their relationship grows, but she professes to be reluctant to date her employer. Jerry wonders if their age difference is really behind this reluctance. Despite this, a May–December relationship between them develops.
  Female family members of both of them strongly disapprove. Mrs. Mueller calls him a "dirty old man," while Jerry's sister calls Betty a "fortune hunter" and him a fool, although Lillian's husband Jack offers his congratulations, earning scorn from his wife and causing them to quarrel. A colleague, Walter Lockman, trapped in a long and unhappy marriage, urges Jerry to do whatever it takes to find true happiness.
  George returns to town and tries to persuade Betty to return to him. In a moment of weakness, they have a romantic tryst. Betty regrets it and explains to Jerry that it meant nothing to her emotionally, but he feels humiliated. His sister observes how depressed Jerry has become when he returns home. At his lowest ebb, he learns that Walter has taken an overdose of pills in a likely suicide attempt. Jerry sees it as a sign to seize the joy in life while he still can. He returns to Betty's waiting arms.


  • Paddy Chayefsky的本子真是叫人细思恐极(尤其是联想到戏外他跟Kim Novak有婚外情,还为此跟妻子提离婚),中年丧妻的男主重新在年轻貌美的女人身上找到爱的激情,和妻子携手多年的男配觉得自己的婚姻毫无爱情可言、甚至要闹自杀;青春正好的美人出轨都可以被原谅,年华老去的妻子被刻画成男人悲剧的负责人。我觉得在那些男权色彩浓厚的本子里,最可怕的一类就是这种实际上对女性毫无同情心可言、还要打着... —— littleBea

  • 非理性评分,老男人看完有点慌了神…… —— 潇洒上枝头

  • March演的太好了,尤其是从初次约会到热恋的过程,那种紧张和狂喜,活脱脱一个第一次约女孩出去的小男生的神情。好奇这部影片是不是更早的涉及到了弗洛伊德心理学(恋父/兄情结)可惜订婚后情节就有点泄了,结尾一顿反转猛如虎【所以屈塞又做错了什么 —— 黑特-007

  • 最好的戏剧改编电影之一,室内戏调度非常有层次,心理渐变式发展被细腻的互动牢牢捕捉,人物走位与机距完美契合情节张力,摄影机像挣扎其中的人一样在努力突破限制,直到最后那个极为简单却最不可思议的镜头出现我们才能确信这是一部唤起爱的电影,而它从来没有也不该有特定标准,这和导演之前那部保守的坏电影相比简直云泥之别,特别是这部电影还掺杂了一些在当时与忘年恋同样现实和大胆的元素。【1959十佳No.7】 —— 奥利

  • 好好看。舒服的忘年恋。两人内心各有矛盾及诉求;男主丧偶后一直追寻爱,交往一段时间百货专柜年龄相仿的女友却订婚了,他的内心其实一直渴望得到年轻女孩的爱慕,以此知道老去的自己是否还有魅力;女主在爱的关系里希望能带给对方快乐,过去的婚姻令她感到没有价值。在亲友的反对下,两人几度怀疑这样的爱是否应该继续?未消逝的爱的火光,在湿漉漉的雪天争吵,老友因为感到生活如死灰而想结束自己的生命,男主在那一刻大梦初醒恨... —— 淇淇海洋