It's Fourth Of July Weekend, and the recently discovered corpse of Sgt. Sam Harper - killed by 'friendly fire' during the first Gulf War - is returned to his all-American hometown. But when Sam rises from the dead to punish the unpatriotic, only his young nephew and a bitter Korean War veteran (Soul icon Isaac Hayes of SHAFT and SOUTH PARK fame) can stop his red-blooded rampage. Draft dodgers, tax cheats, crooked politicians and flag-burners beware: Uncle Sam wants you... DEAD!
正泰俊俏帅气,活尸干枯可怖,小丑踩高跷偷窥靓妹挺逗。留下一个令人深思的结尾。 —— 这是安菲尔德
The boy"Jody" so BEAUTIFUL!! —— NOBODYsomebody
行尸走肉的大叔想让自己孙子继承自己遗志的故事。。小男主角很帅 —— EVA_征服天堂
应该也算是反战电影,不过复活的美国大兵本身自己就是个嗜血战斗狂,回来之后杀遍那些不爱国的人,但是战争的目的到底是什么,他却不知道,他只是可怜的战争机器,还想小男孩继承他的衣钵……这片水平就比上一部看的《夜之死》差不少了,更像是商业类型的恐怖杀戮片。 —— 安大帅
小成本恐怖佳作,前期进入剧情太慢,杀人制造恐慌有点少,军队版《鬼面公仆》,两片也是同一个导演 —— 乌鸦火堂