no fairytales in NY. u can't have a rich bf who stopped being a womenizer for u, and live happily ever after in real estate heaven. no way. —— EE
With two perfect choices for the roles in universe, the fairy tale exudes an air of sickness, which can be summarized as "I loved your mom and I fucked you". Love is lost because everything is contriv... —— V_Lachesis
烂片,留下四分之一没看,richard gere越瞅越像方中信,唔,怪不得小霸王不待见richard,“靓唔靓仔不好说,但我起码比他有演技”这片子最大的好处是给人们提供一个机会认识emily dickinson:希望是有羽毛的东西 它栖息在灵魂里 唱没有歌词的歌曲 永远不会停息 —— 何文田没有花
我觉得应该有人来惩罚这样的花花公子....真希望薇诺娜可以使那种外强中干的女强人,让男猪脚苦苦追求她后,不仅没能得逞反而狠狠被甩,可毕竟好莱坞就是这种套路,那好吧也只好在拥有的最美好时刻不让情破碎,那么只有让女主死了(话外音,男主应该去演爸爸不要在情圣个没完了)= =三颗半 —— UrthónaD'Mors
赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德赖德~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —— luluya
no fairytales in NY. u can't have a rich bf who stopped being a womenizer for u, and live happily ever after in real estate heaven. no way. —— EE
With two perfect choices for the roles in universe, the fairy tale exudes an air of sickness, which can be summarized as "I loved your mom and I fucked you". Love is lost because everything is contriv... —— V_Lachesis