BBC 地平线系列: 你看到我所见了么 BBC Horizon: Do You See What I See?磁力下载
Roses are red, violets are blue but according to the latest understanding these colours are really an illusion. One that you create yourself.
Horizon reveals a surprising truth about how we all see the world. You may think a rose is red, the sky is blue and the grass is green, but it now seems that the colours you see may not always be the same as the colours I see. Your age, sex and even mood can affect how you experience colours.
Scientists have unlocked the hidden power that colours can have over your life - how red can make you a winner, how blue makes time speed up, and more.
十二年前的东西,感觉还是有些颠覆印象的,不知如今相关研究已走到那些结论。 —— Holli'sin
没字幕对我来说太难了_(:з」∠)_看不见蓝色的种族很有趣。原来我看见的世界是只属于我的世界。真好。色彩的幻象太美妙。 —— 已注销
颜色这东西,真是奇妙。 —— 叶坤
因为昨天荷马“酒红色的大海”讨论,翻出来看一看。裁判偏向红方,颜色影响激素水平,颜色改变时间把握,蓝光扰乱生物钟 最好玩的还是色觉恒常——大脑的虚假把戏和顽固性。辛巴人描述颜色能挑出深浅不一的绿色色块(现代人很难辨认), 绿色和蓝色就不行(因为使用同一词汇形容)。算是对维特根斯坦和索绪尔的语言生活更有把握,言语极大程度影响我们的认识(色盲悖论),依靠相似度的直观辨认并不如命名新颜色。我们之间存在一... —— 洛阳小流氓
有趣鹅但是是2011年的了! —— sodakiller